torsdag 28 maj 2009

From the Wu-Marginals: Pop Da Brown Hornet

The Wu stretches far and wide, its disciples numerous.

Pop Da Brown Hornet
from GP Wu is one of the lesser known swordbearers. You need his Tha Undaground Emperor if you like Wu and feel like listening to some more of that golden age boom music. It reminds me of Lord Finesse, the flow and clever punchlines and the dusty beats (courtsey of RNS, known for producing Shyheim's first classic album), but with a distinctive Shaolin twist. Among Wu-bangers such as Follow Me Up, Endangered Species, and the excellent relationsship-song Wantz & Needs, we find one of the deepest tracks ever recorded in this genre. Black On Black Crime is his S.K.I.T.S, reality rap at its best, with the saddest violin ever sampled and poetic lyrics painting the everyday madness and a hope for better days.
Pop Da Brown Hornet - Black On Black Crime

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